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The Summer High School Transportation Institute (STI) Free Residential 2024 Summer Camp at N.C. A&T - Rising High School Juniors and Seniors can Apply

The 2024 Summer Transportation Institute will take place from July 7th-July 24th, 2024. The program will be residential, so students will live on campus for two and a half weeks and get a taste of the Aggie experience, including dorm life, campus food, recreational facilities, and more. The program is completely free, including food, lodging, and travel.

During the summer STI experience, usually conducted in-person on the N.C. A&T campus, students are exposed to supply chain management, the various modes of transportation and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) topics and disciplines. They also conduct personal development activities through classroom instruction, group projects and on-site field trips.

The Summer High School Transportation Institute (STI) is an enriching educational opportunity for rising high school juniors and seniors.

Please find the Direct Link to the Application below:



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